Possible TDap Options

South Carolina law requires that all students entering seventh grade receive one (1) dose of

Tdap vaccine. The Tdap vaccine protects children from three serious diseases: tetanus,

diphtheria, and pertussis (often called whooping cough). If your child has already had the

vaccine, you must provide the school with proof that they have had it. If your child hasn’t

received the vaccine, please contact your health care provider ASAP to schedule an

appointment for your child to be given the vaccine. Once your child has received the

vaccine, please remember that you must provide proof to the school nurse.

Students, entering the seventh grade, who have not received the Tdap vaccine by the

beginning of the next school year (Aug. 2022), will not be allowed to attend school until they

have received the vaccine and provided proof to the school nurse. If you have any

questions, please contact our school nurse, Ms. Allison @  775-7272.